Single Storey Garage Plan 6050A

6m x 5m Two Car Garage Plan

30m² Ground Floor Area
12" Cavity wall construction
Single side door and window
9' x 7' Up and Over Garage Door
Truss rafter roof construction

This domestic double car garage is ideal for parking the family cars. The width of the garage will accommodate two cars side by side. The 9 feet wide garage door allows easy access to the garage. The cavity wall construction provides water proof construction.

WARNING!!! This is the smallest length of garage available. It will be adequate for most saloon type cars but will NOT be long enough for the larger type cars. If you have the building space available please select the 6m long garage. Check the length of your car here. car sizes

6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Hipped roof - Brick walls
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Hipped roof - Brick walls and Brick Corner Stones
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Hipped roof - Brick walls and Rendered Corner Stones
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Hipped roof - Rendered walls
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Hipped roof - Rendered walls and Brick Corner Stones
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Hipped roof - Rendered walls and Rendered Corner Stones
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Brick walls Gable Fronted Roof
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Brick walls and Brick Corner Stones Gable Fronted Roof
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Brick walls and Rendered Corner Stones Gable Fronted Roof
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Rendered walls Gable Fronted Roof
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Rendered walls and Brick Corner Stones Gable Fronted Roof
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Rendered walls and Rendered Corner Stones Gable Fronted Roof
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Brick walls Gable Sided Roof
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Brick walls and Brick Corner Stones Gable Sided Roof
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Brick walls and Rendered Corner Stones Gable Sided Roof
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Rendered walls Gable Sided Roof
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Rendered walls and Brick Corner Stones Gable Sided Roof
6m x 5m Garage Plan with a Pitch roof - Rendered walls and Rendered Corner Stones Gable Sided Roof
6m x 5m Rendered Garage Plan with a Flat roof
6m x 5m Brick Garage Plan with a Flat roof